Top 3 tips to help balance your mood

Tip 1: Exercise regularly- whether going for a run or going to the gym to lift weight, exercise can help with your mood, increasing the release of endorphins which can help block pain and increase sensations of pleasure. We also tend to get a release of something called endocannabinoids thought to be responsible for that “runners high”. Exercise can also help release dopamine, which plays an important role in how you feel pleasure. It’s also responsible for regulating heart rate, sleep cycles, mood, attention, motivation, working memory, learning, and pain processing.

Tip 2: Get more sleep- I know easier said that done but sleep is one of the most important aspects of improving and regulating our mood. It is also probably one of the most neglected areas of our lives, especially if you have kids, and a demanding job. Recent research concluded that ‘Nighttime sleep affects daytime mood, emotional reactivity and the capacity to regulate positive and negative emotions; conversely, daytime experiences affect sleep. Hence, there is a complex interplay between sleep and emotional regulation’. The best way to improve your sleep is by developing a better sleep routine so that even when life is busy you have the routine/practices in place ready to help you stay on top of the amount of zzzzz’s you are able to get.

Tip 3: Write it down: for women especially keeping a mood diary of when they experience mood swings and where in relation to their cycle can help them to recognise the hormonal causes of their mood swings, and anticipate them happening in the future. Or keeping a gratitude journal or writing gratitude letters can help improve mood and happiness. Research suggests that gratitude may be associated with many benefits for individuals, including better physical and psychological health, increased happiness and life satisfaction, decreased materialism, and more. A handful of studies suggest that more grateful people may be healthier, and others suggest that scientifically designed practices to increase gratitude can also improve people’s health and encourage them to adopt healthier habits.

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